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Legacy Giving

Memorial & Legacy Giving

Memorial Gifts

Memorial Giving is a wonderful and meaningful way to memorialize and remember our loved ones. Our pastor can assist you as you plan for your family’s memorial or funeral service.


Gifts may be undesignated to be used at the discretion of Trinity’s session or designated for a particular area of ministry or purpose.


Over the past few years, memorial gifts have been used for a new sanctuary sound system and audio-visual equipment for the Fellowship Hall; for the purchase of new hymnals; to support the Brotherhood Fund (a pastor-administered assistance fund); to help refurnish the Youth Room; and to purchase new chairs for the Choir Room.

Image by Boris  Smokrovic

Legacy Gifts

Legacy gifts are a purposeful way of supporting the future ministry and mission of our church. Your estate gift can support Trinity for decades to come. These examples of generosity will continue to impact the lives of those served by our church.


A legacy speaks not about how we died, but how we lived. It speaks about the things that move us in life, the things that matter to use. A legacy is an expression of gratitude and thanks to God for all that has been given and enjoyed in life. You don’t have to be wealthy to bless the church with a gift in your will. Small amounts can be put to good use right away, or invested so they grow in the years to come.


A planned legacy gift is a gift from your assets that might include a bequest, life insurance, real estate, or personal property. The Presbyterian Foundation provides a free resource, Composing a Legacy, which explains more fully some of the charitable giving opportunities available through estate planning. Request a copy from the church office or use this link to download a copy: Presbyterian Foundation. Equipped with this information, you can more fully evaluate and discuss estate planning and options with your financial and legal advisors. 

The word “Give” appears 921 times in the bible—almost as many times as “Faith,” “Hope,” and “Love” combined. Giving can be an expression of your faith in God, your

hope for the future, and your love for others

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