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Trinity In Action

Feeding the hungry at Loaves and Fishes.

Feeding the hungry at Loaves and Fishes     

Loaves and Fishes serves a hot meal from 5-6:15 p.m. seven nights a week in the basement of Wilkes Boulevard Methodist Church, located at 702 Wilkes Blvd. The kitchen is run entirely by donations and volunteer services. 


Trinity volunteers prepare and serve the evening meal at Loaves and Fishes the second Thursday of each month.  To provide food or to serve, add your name to the sign up form sent out with the weekly, Friday email or contact the church office.

Serving at The Wardrobe 


The Wardrobe is a non-profit thrift shop operated by a volunteer executive board and staffed entirely by volunteers. Donations of gently worn clothing for all ages and other household items are sold at nominal prices and given to those in need.


On the third Wednesday of each month, Trinity members work at The Wardrobe from 11:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m.  To help, sign up using the form on the Narthex kiosk or contact Georgia Morehouse at (573) 442-7069.

Serving at the Wardrobe . . ..jpg
Being a Good Neighbor to Russell Bouleva

Being a Good Neighbor to Russell Boulevard Elementary School    

In 2018, Trinity began an informal partnership with its Rollins Rd. neighbor, Russell Elementary School.  Both Russell and Trinity celebrated their 60th anniversaries last year.  Trinity members have provided treats for Russell teachers, donated prizes for Bingo Night, signed up to read to children, and more.  Members of Trinity’s Outreach Committee continue to seek opportunities for the church to be a “Good Neighbor” to Russell.


Filling Church World Service School

and Hygiene Kits 

Trinity members respond to the needs of neighbors both near and far by purchasing and assembling kits for distribution through Church World Service.  School kits give children in impoverished schools, refugee camps, or other difficult settings some of the basic tools for learning.  In the face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty, hygiene kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families.

Filling Church World Service School and
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