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Trinity's Summer of Renewal

Retracing Our Threads of Grace

May 29 - July 31

All worship services and Wednesday evening lectures will take place in the church sactuary and will also be live-streamed via Facebook Live.

Congregational Renewal Calendar

May 29

10:30 am
Worship (Sanctuary)


Rev. Kathie Jackson, Associate Pastor (Retired),

First Presbyterian Church-Columbia

10:30 am
Worship (Sanctuary)

June 5

Rev Long - Dr. Thomas G. Long

Preaching:  Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long,

Bandy Professor of Preaching Emeritus at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, and the author or editor of 14 books on preaching and worship. Dr. Long received his BA and M.Div. from Erskine Seminary and his Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1980. He began his career as a preacher at McElroy Presbyterian Church near Atlanta, GA and since that time has taught at a number of seminaries, including Princeton. Columbia, and Candler.  In 1996, Dr. Long was named one of the 12 most effective preachers in the English speaking world by Baylor University, along with Fred Craddock, Billy Graham, James Forbes, Barbara Brown Taylor and William Willimon.  Dr. Long’s field is in homiletics, and he is a strong proponent of the two pillars of preaching: strong exegetical work held alongside with strong presentation skills.

June 8

7:00 pm
Educational Event (Sanctuary)


Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long

June 12

9:00 am
Educational Event (Fellowship Hall)

10:30 am

Worship (Sanctuary)


Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long

June 19

10:30 am
Worship (Sanctuary)


Rev. Eugenia A. Gamble


retired Presbyterian Church (USA) pastor, award winning author, retreat leader, congregational consultant, and preaching coach, who lives on Dauphin Island, Alabama.  Rev. Gamble has preached throughout the United States and is a writer who loves to help the Bible come alive in people's lives. She won the Associated Church Press Award of Excellence for her Bible study called: Glimpses of Home: Biblical Images of the Realm of God. She was the writer in residence for the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley in Alabama.  She is the author of the 2019-2020, PW/Horizons Bible study, A Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments.  Rev. Gamble served as Pastor of churches in California Alabama, Colorado, and as Director of Spiritual Development at First Presbyterian Church, San Luis Obispo, California. She also was a member of the committee which drafted  “A Brief Statement of Faith.”

Rev Gamble.png

June 22

7:00 pm
Educational Event (Sanctuary)


Rev. Eugenia A. Gamble

June 26

9:00 am
Educational Event (Fellowship Hall)

10:30 am

Worship (Sanctuary)


Rev. Eugenia A. Gamble

July 3

10:30 am
Worship (Sanctuary)


Rev. Cecelia (CeCe) D. Armstrong


has served as Associate Pastor of St. James Presbyterian Church in Charleston, SC since June of 2015. Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, she was baptized at Calvary Presbyterian Church (USA).  Rev. Armstrong is a graduate of the Interdenominational Theological Center, where she attended Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary and earned her Masters of Divinity.  After seminary, she served Grady Memorial Hospital as a chaplain and Beth Salem Presbyterian Church (USA) as supply pastor.  As an ordained Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Rev. Armstrong served her first call as Solo Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church (USA) in Lantana, Florida.   Rev. Armstrong was invited to serve as one of the two preachers at the Presbyterian Youth Triennium this summer and has preached at several Montreat Youth Conferences.



Rev Armstrong

July 6

7:00 pm
Educational Event (Sanctuary)


Rev. Cecelia (CeCe) D. Armstrong

July 10

9:00 am
Educational Event 
(Fellowship Hall)

10:30 am
Worship (Sanctuary)



Rev. Cecelia (CeCe) D. Armstrong

July 17

10:30 am
Worship (Sanctuary)


Rev. Dr. Wallis (Wally) Landrum.

Pastor (Retired), Coates St. Presbyterian Church-Moberly

A cradle Presbyterian from Louisville, KY, Rev. Dr. Landrum graduated from Emory University and Union Presbyterian Seminary.  He served as the associate pastor at First Presbyterian, Mexico, from 1984-1991, directing camps, the Missouri Union Presbytery youth council, and youth Triennium.  He was the pastor of Coates Street Presbyterian in Moberly from 1991-2016.  Rev. Dr. Landrum has also served as a hospital chaplain  and has provided associate pastoral services at First Presbyterian in Columbia and First Presbyterian, Mexico. 

July 24

10:30 am
Worship (Sanctuary)


Rev. Dr. Wallis (Wally) Landrum

July 31

10:30 am
Worship (Sanctuary)


Rev. Dr. Deborah Boucher-Payne,

General Presbyter of Missouri Union Presbytery

Rev. Dr. Boucher-Payne is in her 7th year serving as the General Presbyter of Missouri Union Presbytery.  She has served as Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for 30 years and hold four academic degrees.  She is also an artist, professional coach and leader in several areas of ministry in the denomination.

See You There!

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